"Those who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of their mind awake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamer of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible." -T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)

Posts tagged ‘full moon’

A Woman in Her Natural Habitat

I am amazed in this day and age every time I’m reminded of how connected we still are to nature.

Most humans, these days, do everything they can to remove themselves from the wild, from nature. Our houses are climate controlled, food is processed, our methods of travel are fast and involve machinery instead of animals or our own feet.

And yet, I can always tell two things with 100% accuracy.

When a full moon is approaching.

And when the weather will change.

The full moon is most often brought to my attention by my job. I should clarify at this point that I work as a telephone service representative in the financial industry. I talk to people all day long about their money; my days are usually very good, or very bad. I used to think there was no way people in this day and age were still connected to the lunar cycle (besides, you know, the female stuff that’s unavoidable). I was wrong. I remember my first couple of months as a TSR, there were a few days where I thought to myself “The whole world has gone crazy.” People would yell at me for no reason (literally no reason-they’d dialed the wrong number and yelled because I didn’t know the number for where they had intended to call). I finally said something one day to a co-worker and with blinking they replied, “Of course people are crazy, it’s a full moon.”

What?!? Oh yes, it’s true, people get cranky and crazy around a full moon. It is something that I don’t even think about anymore, three crazy phone call in a row, and I know we’re on the verge of a full moon either that night or the next. I kid you not. Ask anyone who works in the customer service industry and they’ll agree. People are crazy on a full moon.

Now – the weather. It’s about how I sleep. Once again, this had to be pointed out to me by someone else. One day I was lightly complaining about my lack of sleep and my friend responded, “Oh yeah, I never sleep well when the barometer changes.”

Again – What?!? But it‘s true. Even ensconced in my climate controlled house, I feel the weather change in my bones. In Colorado this can turn into quite the week. 80’s Monday, 60’s Tuesday, 50’s and rainy and… Well, you get the picture.

It makes me wonder, what else affects us that we don’t pay attention to until its right under our noses. What wild thing drives you?