"Those who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of their mind awake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamer of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible." -T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)

The Ikea Dilemma

Hubs and I ventured to Ikea today, where we learned a strange lesson. Both of us, in general, believe in quality. We are still sleeping on a mattress on an iron frame. Our clothes are housed in my childhood dresser. Because we haven’t ever found anything we like well enough that was also good enough quality. Because we’re shopping at Bedroom Expressions, not Stickley.

Then, Ikea. Where we found more styles we liked than any other place we’d ever shopped. And where the quality is cheap. No bad, just cheap. And Ikea even says so. It’s particle board and veneer.

So, the dilemma. To buy bedroom furniture a piece at a time, of slightly better quality, paying 3 times as much. Or to buy an entire bedroom set that we really dig from Ikea for $800.00 and know that in a few years we will most likely have to replace it.

Quality, or right now? And is it really quality? Because the kind of quality we lust after is right out of our price range. Even a piece at a time. At least right now. So maybe, in a few years, when it’s time to buy again, that will no longer be the case?

Stickley, are you in my future?

Warning-it’s been a rough week already, so this is a little bitter.

Most of the people I talk to in the course of the day are angry. Or sad. Or confused. Or all 3. Most of them don’t understand what a 401k is. And most of them want to take little to no responsibility for the fact that they don’t know what a 401k is and now they’ve invested thousands, or tens of thousands of dollars in something they don’t understand. They’re angry that they can’t take the money out for a new car when theirs has died. They’re confused that they can’t use the money to pay for their great-grandmothers funeral service. They’re sad that they can’t use the money to pay a utility bill.

And I’m sad that our nation has become so lax in something so important. Why are people content to say “I don’t understand”? Why are people looking to some stranger on the phone to tell them what to do with their money, their thousands of dollars? Why don’t people read things? The form comes with instructions people, that’s why it’s 15 pages! Why is it ok that all these things are happening every day in our nation? It’s called personal responsibility people. Take some.

And if you don’t want to, then suck it up and realize you’ll have to pay money to hire a financial advisor to make all those decisions for you. I did.

In other news I’ve decided that journaling with an actual pen and paper might be a good thing to do too, so I’ve thrown my journal in my work-bag for random thoughts by Kate during the day. Wish me luck.

New Goals

I have a very smart friend, you know who you are, who always tells me I should blog more. So, first on the list of goals:

write something every day. It can be small, a sentence or two. Not every thought has to be monumental or tragic. It is good to keep this in mind.

Second: Maintain my weight loss through the holidays. So far-I am totally on track with this. I am a amazed to remember that when I decide to do something, it’s easy.

Third (and that’s enough for now, really): this one is a two parter-first, get Average Villainy Inc edited and completed (it’s missing a climactic battle scene). Second, participate in and win NaNo this year with the first Karma book. 50,000 words in Nov.

In other news-I’ve been cast in a show! ‘High Society’ with the Performance Now Theatre Company and I am thrilled and excited to start rehearsals on Nov. 12th!!

Also-Bear is going out of town tomorrow, not to return until Sat. I’m always excited and sad when we’re apart. Especially when it’s him traveling and me staying home. Excited to have the house to myself and be “single” again. And sad because I always miss him. A lot. Guess that means it’s good we’re married.

Published Author Here!

That’s right, it’s done. I am published. I have already read it though and found several things that will make it a valuable first edition. Haha!

Every day it gets more and more real as the book becomes available in more and more places.

And now I’ll have my very own stash to sell. They’re supposed to be at my house Wednesday. Squee!!!

Go me!

Don’t forget my book release party this Saturday at 2:00 pm. Fireside Books!!

The Whirlwind Tour…

Wow. What a ride it’s been. For those of you that don’t know the name of the ride is PLD. During the PLD ride I started a business, released 24 lbs and published a book.

In 90 days.

That’s right. 90 days.

The PLD ride is over. Now starts the ride of life. Book Release Party on August 27th-see my FB page for details. Anyone need a Social Media Manager? I have great ideas!

Bring it on!

It’s out there…

the websites are live.

I’m scared to death.



The Brilliant Plan

I have a brilliant plan. Not sure I should reveal exactly what it is yet. However, it is going to be awesome!

I have already started moving on said plan, by buying a domain name, talking to people about setting up a website, and researching setting up a sole proprietorship. I am in serious motion! And I haven’t even started playing PLD yet! Watch out!

The Official List

So-in my quest for a new career, my very smart friend recommended I make a list of hobbies I currently enjoy and see if I can make any of them lucrative without much initial investment. So-here is said list, not only of hobbies, but also just of skills I have that I enjoy:
stage manage
visual art-mostly in pastels (but not very good ones-I suppose I could just put them out there-haven’t done this in forever though, like since college…)
jewelry? design but no skills in actually making unless it’s bead work
I am good with people
I have excellent organizational skills-for other people
I type fast (not sure this one counts)

So far I’m not sure how to make any of this into something I get paid to do…At least, enough to pay my bills. if you have any thoughts, please share. Also-if you have any more skills I should consider, please share!

New Motivation

So-Denver’s first ever Anomoly Con has given me new inspiration for writing. I have created an a FaceBook page for myself as an author, and for my book that is closest to done, ‘Autumn Roses’. Still need some artwork for the book-anyone know anyone? Actually could use some artwork for that one, and two others.


Onwards and upwards!

The Beginning…

Ok-so not really sure what this is going to be quite yet but here’s what’s goin on with me. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching lately, and I’ve come to the conclusion that changes must be made. I’ve had repetitive dreams ever since getting home from The Ranch about opening my own business (it’s different every night, one night it was a cigar shop in Evergreen….anywho…) so it’s obviously time for a change. To this end I will be exploring my writing as well as the possibility of opening some kind of business. No clue as to what that might be right now except for the fact that MLM type things are out of the question due to knowing someone in every type of MLM out there already–therefore a very limited available client base. Guess I’m just thinking a lot so far–so, universe, please tell me what random thing I should try next?

As far as writing is concerned, there are currently 3 books in various stages of done-ness as well as a script that could be finished. So this will also be an exploration of editing/finishing/and publishing those books. And maybe getting the script produced.

So-welcome to my head, enjoy your stay.